9 photos   2066 visits

member since 30 May 2011

About Hollie -_- x

Yeah Yeah . . . About me -__-. Boring :-??

My name is Ecaterina :)) But everyone tells me Hollie, idk why :-? I loved this name and I told everyone to call me so when i was little, so, now I am Hollie :))

I.m 13, but I.m very funny and cute :"3. I.m not mature. . .

I.m a shy girl sometimes, but I.m usually annoying and pervert :> :)))))))

Awh, that.s enough. Bye ^^

Comments • 7

DyAnna 20 June 2011  
=`Cutte :X
xdBiuxD 13 June 2011  
KiKilovesYoux3 7 June 2011  
Kay .!
DeduxaaLov3 31 May 2011  
Cuute :o3
xHollieKittyRawrx3 31 May 2011  
Nu.i asa? :o3 Stiam :"3. :)))) Ehh, merci mult ^^
DeduxaaLov3 31 May 2011  
=]] He he ,,:))
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