9 photos   2065 visits
0 --Heei - Kitty Hollie Here   About Hollie -_- xAdd Me - o3o

member since 30 May 2011

0 --Heei - Kitty Hollie Here

♥ -- NyanNyanNyanNyanNyan. . . -- ♥

Heei :33 Nyuung, welcome :o3. ♥

Just call mep Hollie, okies? ♥ v^v. Fine, I.m romanian but doesn.t matter :"3

Nice to meet chaaaaaa ♥ :)
^^ ♥
^^ ♥
Nyung. . . ♥
Nyung. . . ♥
Rawr ^^ :x
Rawr ^^ :x

Comments • 6

DyAnna 20 June 2011  
xdBiuxD 13 June 2011  
hey bbe
KiKilovesYoux3 7 June 2011  
Heyy . :) Kitty H
DeduxaaLov3 31 May 2011  
Heei Hollie`
xCola 30 May 2011  
Hey . :)
xDiiaRawrsYou 30 May 2011  
Heey Babe :)
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